When a laundry customer makes a payment using the PayWave Kiosk system or Mobile Pay platforms, they can optionally receive a payment receipt by entering their email address.
The payment receipt provided by Tangerpay complies with Australian Tax legislation and may be used for claiming GST credits.
Customers in NZ and AU can also request Tangerpay to issue proper tax invoices on their ehalf. If you would like to have this enabled please contact us on service@tangerpay.com.
Please read below the GST and tax invoice requirements relating to small purchases $82.50 (including GST) from the Australian Tax Office.
Tax invoices are not required if the GST-exclusive value of the sale is $75 or less. However, you should have some documentary evidence to support all GST credit claims.
To claim a GST credit for purchases that cost A$82.50 or less (including GST), you should have one of the following:
a tax invoice
a cash register docket
a receipt
an invoice.
If you can't get one of these, keep a record of the purchase, such as a diary entry with: