How does a customer refund work? It's 10pm and you get a call from a customer, they've gone home
cranky and weren't happy with the quality of their wash for some reason - they’re asking for a refund.
Too easy... login to your Admin Portal, search for the customer’s payment and hit the refund button.
The customer is happy because you took care of their problem and were super responsive to their enquiry. You're happy because you didn't have to head out late at night to refund the customer.
Search for the customers transaction using the search options (Transaction Id, Email, Last
Four Digits). You’ll get these details from the Transaction email we send to you when a
customer credits one of your machines.
You’ll see a list of customer transactions appear onscreen, just choose the right one and hit
the ‘refund’ button. Just spend a second now to make sure it’s for the right customer, for the
right amount and at the right time
IMPORTANT: Once you’ve hit “Refund” Tangerpay is unable to reverse the refund as it is
processed immediately by the Payment Gateway.
Once you’ve hit refund, you will notice that if you search again on that transaction the button
will have turned grey, this indicates that it has already been refunded